Cavity Wall Insulation Lerwick

Cavity Wall Insulation Lerwick

Are you looking for cavity wall insulation in the Lerwick area? M3 Energy Scotland is here to help. We offer our services all across the Lerwick area, so if you are interested in cavity wall insulation to save yourself some money and to keep yourselves warm this winter, then get in touch with us today. Did you know that around one-third of the heat loss from most homes is through the walls? This means that cavity insulation could save you up to £275 a year in heating bills. Our Lerwick team are well trained, highly experienced and always look forward to providing a quality service with every job completed. Contact us today on 0800 433 2295 or fill in our contact form online.

What is a Cavity Wall?

A cavity wall is made up of two walls with a gap in between, known as the cavity; the outer layer is usually made of brick and the inner layer of brick or concrete block. Metal ties join the two walls together. Pre-1920 and older houses are more likely to have solid walls. A solid wall has no cavity; each wall is a single solid wall, usually made of brick or stone. Our Surveyor can identify this during the survey inspection, and if necessary we can carry out a boroscope check on your wall and put a camera inside it to see if your home is suitable for cavity wall insulation in Lerwick.

Cavity wall insulation is an insulating material which is placed in the gap between the inner and outer wall of your property, making it more energy-efficient. Our preferred insulating material is a bonded EPS bead system due to its durability, low thermal conductivity and moisture resistance. Our Lerwick cavity wall insulation team will be sure to keep you involved in every step of the process. If you have any questions along the way, please do not hesitate to speak to our Lerwick team.

Eco Scheme

We are proud to be a part of the government energy efficiency scheme in Great Britain. This scheme was set up to help reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty. Now, why is this important to you? Well anyone who fits the certain criteria could have free upgrades. Also this applies for both homeowners and rented properties. If you are on any of the following benefits, you could qualify for some of the ECO Measures:
    Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
    Personal Independence Payment (PiP)
    Attendance Allowance
    Carer’s Allowance
    Severe Disablement Allowance
    Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
    Income Related Employment & Support Allowance (ESA)
    Income-based Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)
    Income Support
    Pension Guarantee Credit
    Tax Credits (Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit)
    Universal Credit
    Child Benefit
For more information about our Eco Scheme and how it could benefit you and your family, please check out the Eco Scheme section or call us today.

What is EPS

EPS is a lightweight cellular material consisting of fine spherical shaped particles which are 98% air and 2% polystyrene. This expandable polystyrene is a rigid cellular plastic containing an expansion agent called pentane. It has low thermal conductivity, which makes the material have a long term R-value, meaning it is resistant to heat flow and an ideal product for thermal insulation. Low Water Absorption: EPS bead does not absorb moisture and its thermal properties are not affected by damp, humidity or moisture. Its closed-cell means it cannot absorb water and the bead will maintain its shape, size, structure and appearance. We ensure the EPS will materials will last as long as the structure will. Cavity wall insulation in Lerwick is highly popular because it can help save money on your heating bills and offer you peace of mind. IF you are interested in having cavity wall insulation installed into your home in Lerwick, M3 Energy Scotland are the ones to call! Call us on 0800 433 2295 and speak to a member of our friendly team.

Why Do I Need Cavity Wall Insulation?

There are numerous reasons why you should choose cavity wall insulation for your home in Lerwick. Check out the key benefits below:
  • No.1 recommendation on an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) to improve energy efficiency.
  • Over a third of all the heat lost in an uninsulated home escapes through the walls
  • Saves you money on your Energy Bills (up to £275 per year)
  • Keep your home warmer – less heat escaping through the external walls.
  • Reduces your Carbon Footprint helping the environment.

How Do I Get Started

Before we get started with the installation, M3 Energy Scotland will organise a surveyor to attend the site at a suitable date and time. They will carry out an assessment of your property to confirm that it is suitable for insulation. This assessment will also be double-checked by the actual installer before installation. We like to make sure that you get the best service possible and ensure you we will cause as little disruption to your home as .

How Long Will It Take?

Cavity wall insulation normally takes around 2-3 hours to install, but the time does depend on the size of the house and other factors, such as accessibility. If you have any question about this, please call us for more information.

M3 Energy Scotland

So if your home was built after the 1920s, the chances are that it’s got cavity walls. And unless it was built within the last 20 years, those cavities are probably empty. Why not call us today for more information about cavity wall insulation in Lerwick? We have many years of experience and look forward to answering any questions you may have. Contact us today on 0800 433 2295 or fill in our contact form.

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