Gas Central Heating Installation Grants Aberfeldy

Gas Central Heating Installation Grants Aberfeldy

Are you in need of new gas central heating? Have you considered applying for a gas central heating installation grant in Aberfeldy? Through the utilisation of M3 Scotland’s scheme, you can benefit from the top of the range central heating throughout your property in Aberfeldy.

We are proud to be a part of the government energy efficiency scheme in Great Britain. This scheme was set up to help reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty. This enables us to work alongside the government to provide gas central heating installation grants in Aberfeldy, benefiting a wide range of our clients.

Am I Eligible For Gas Central Heating Installation Grants In Aberfeldy?

In recent months the government has produced its latest update to their ECO scheme which widens the criteria for First Time Central Heating (FTCH) qualification. This is great news for anyone looking to upgrade their properties with gas central heating installation grants in Aberfeldy. If your property has never had a central or district heating system you will qualify for this scheme.

Funding for this type of work is being offered to upgrade homes across the country, and by upgrading heat sources we can dramatically improve energy performance ratings.

Your property in Aberfeldy can benefit from gas central heating installation grants under the following criteria:

1. Electric room heaters, including fixed mains gas room heaters, fan heaters and in-efficient electric storage heaters (SAP rating of 0.2 or less)
2. Gas room heaters; including fixed mains gas room heaters
3. Gas fire with back boiler
4. Solid fossil fuel fire with back boiler
5. Electric underfloor or ceiling heating (not part of electric boiler)
6. Bottled LPG room heater
7. Solid fossil fuel room heater
8. Wood/biomass room heating
9. Oil room heater
10. No heating at all

How Does A Central Heating Installation Grant Benefit Me?

Because we are part of the EU, the UK has been set very large targets to reduce the carbon footprint of its housing stock. ECO, or, the Energy Company Obligation plays a huge part in hitting this target.

Built into everybody's bills is a small percentage of money which is paid towards ECO, the Green Tax. This money is controlled by the Big Six energy suppliers and they are now obliged by the UK Government to fund the installation of free boilers and home insulation into low-income households and those who are most vulnerable.

As part of this scheme, M3 Scotland is the leading organisations for gas central heating installation grants in Aberfeldy.

The Benefits Of Gas Central Heating Installation Grants

There are a number of benefits to the first time central heating grant. If you do not currently have any central heating and are left wondering if you should take advantage of the government-backed first-time central heating grant, then the answer is simple. The funding allocated to this grant means that you could experience lower monthly heating bills for you with the use of a gas central heating installation grant in Aberfeldy. Further benefits include the obvious improvements to property warmth and more.

A central heating system is also known to be a much more reliable and efficient way to heat your home and at the same time reduce carbon emissions. The latest central heating systems on the market are now designed to be smart, allowing you complete control of when to heat your home and how warm to have it; this is all controlled through an app on your phone or a small electronic device in the house.

Contact our team at M3 Scotland to learn more about gas central heating installation grants in Aberfeldy and how your property could heavily benefit from the scheme.
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